
文章来源:健康时报 2019-11-21 11:43

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南开大学校长、著名免疫学家、中国工程院院士曹雪涛日前陷入论文造假风波。Elisabeth Bik博士在学术交流在线平台PubPeer上指出,多篇作者署名包括曹雪涛的论文能检测到图像异常,部分图片疑似有增添、删减等PS操作现象。

  Elisabeth Bik博士曾供职于斯坦福大学医学院微生物学和免疫学系,2016年起,她辞掉工作,专职调查各类论文图像异常问题,以及可能存在的学术不端行为。

  对于Elisabeth Bik博士的质询,曹雪涛院士并未回避,他于18日凌晨在PubPeer网站上发文回应,文中称他已将此事列为“最高优先事项”,立即采取措施调查,仔细检查了手稿、原始数据和实验室记录,如果调查中发现对已发表记录的最高精度造成影响的任何风险,他们将立即与论文相关期刊编辑部合作。

  曹雪涛院士在文中也向Elisabeth Bik博士对他工作的关注表达了感谢,并表示:“您的关切再次提醒我,作为导师、主管和实验室的领导者,我的角色和责任有多重要,以及我可能已经出现了哪些不足。因此,我心情非常沉重,对我现在和以前的学生、工作人员和同事、同行和学术共同体感到极其抱歉,对于我的任何失察及由此带来的不便,我深表歉意。”

  对于自己引发的这起风波,Elisabeth Bik博士18日也通过网络进行了说明,她表示,关于她提出的中国院士一组论文中有关图像的一些问题,她想强调的是,“我不是在指责任何人的不当行为,请记住,许多重复可能只是诚实的错误。”



  早在2014年,Elisabeth Bik博士就发现了曹雪涛院士作为通讯作者的三篇文章存在可疑之处。她在接受《中国新闻周刊》的采访中表示,三篇论文中,有两篇分别于2004年、2007年发表在美国生物化学和分子生物学学会主办的《生物化学杂志》上,另一篇2005年见于美国癌症研究协会主办的《临床癌症研究》中。这三篇都存在着类似的图像问题。

  发表于《临床癌症研究》的那篇被质疑文章在2015年进行了勘误,勘误意见称:作者提供了新的版本,这些更改不影响本文章的阐释或结论,作者对此错误表示遗憾。但Elisabeth Bik认为更好的举措应该是撤稿。




  Dear Dr. Bik,

  I’m writing to you in response to recent inquiries you posted with regard to mentioned studies conducted at the National Key Laboratory of Medical Immunology and Institute of Immunology at the Second Military Medical University, with me being the corresponding author.

  I appreciate your interest in our work and your commitment to protecting the accuracy of scientific records and the integrity of research pursuit. They are of utmost importance to me all along as well. Upon being notified of your inquiries, I have made them our highest priority and immediately took steps to look into the concerns you raised with the team and collaborators and carefully re-examined our manuscripts and raw data and lab records. We’ll work with the relevant journal editorial office(s) immediately if our investigation indicates any risk to the highest degree of accuracy of the published records.


  Based on our analyses up to this point (still ongoing) and additional feedback we received from colleagues and peers, I would like to add that I remain confident about the validity and strength of the scientific conclusions made in those publications and our work’s reproducibility. Nevertheless, there is no excuse for any lapse in supervision or laboratory leadership and the concerns you raised serve as a fresh reminder to me just how important my role and responsibility are as mentor, supervisor, and lab leader; and how I might have fallen short. I feel therefore very heavy-hearted and tremendously sorry, to my current and former students, my staff and colleagues, my peers, and the larger community. I most sincerely apologize for any oversight on my part and any inconvenience it might have caused. I’ll use this as an invaluable learning opportunity to do better not only in advancing science, but also in safeguarding the accuracy and integrity of science.

  Yours sincerely,

  Xuetao Cao

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